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World Environment Day – Go Carbon Negative


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The United Nations celebrates June 5 as the “World Environment Day”, probing nations, enterprises and community from all across the world to raise awareness about the environment and raise a call of action.

Last year, the “World Environment Day” was celebrated in India under the theme “Beat plastic pollution” which brought to attention the devastating effects of plastic and briefed on protocols to combat it.

This year, China hosts the World Environment Day on the theme “Air Pollution”. The celebration provides an ample platform for enlightening opinions to surface and to formulate responsible conduct by countries, industries, and individuals to improve the quality of air that we breathe.

The Shocking case of unclean air

Did you know that over 7 million people die globally, owing to issues stemming from air pollution, over which 4 million happens across Asia-Pacific? In fact, according to a report, 92 percent of world’ population breathes impure air with almost 80 percent of urban dwellers exposed to pollution levels which are well above accepted health standards according to WHO’s World Global Ambient Air Quality Database. In global economy standard, Welfares regarding air pollution almost costs around 5 trillion dollars every year.

Scoot, dust, sulfur oxide, ozone, Nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, etc. are some of the common yet harmful pollutants that plague our daily air.

The PM 2.5, emitted from exhausts, and combustion fumes are, in fact, extremely dangerous with them capable of being suspended on air for a long time and drawn into lungs, and penetrating deep which makes it a case of large concern and severe health predicament. While a measurement within 50 is considered ideal, the numbers some cities and town indicate is a predicament, hard to ignore. 4 out of 10 people in the country breath air with pollutants five times more the acceptable standard.

Indoor air pollution

The case of pollution doesn’t just restrict to exterior air pollution but also extends to indoor air. The causes of indoor air pollution entail combustion of fuels, the use of asbestos, pesticides and aerosols, tobacco smoke, etc.

In fact, in India, the combustion of biomass fuels such as firewood, cow dung cakes, coals, kerosene, etc. play a major role in contributing to indoor air pollution. Inorganic Pollutants such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide; emitted from the combustion of dung, wood, and coal, oxides of sulfur, arsenic and organic compounds such as dust mites, molds., pollen and infectious organisms are some of the leading agents of indoor air pollution.

Indoor air pollution can lead to serious health repercussions likes as respiratory illness, and acute respiratory tract infection, leukemia, and pneumonia, etc. In cases of pregnant women, children, and senior citizens, the effects of it can be further detrimental. Wood smoke is also recorded to have caused cardiovascular diseases. A recent report by WHO showcased that fumes from indoor stoves using biomass fuels led to serious health pollutants that can lead to mothers giving birth to underweight babies with also them being more susceptible to develop asthma and diseases like tuberculosis.

The implications of inhaling impure air on the long run can have serious health detriments from having increased risks of heart attack, lung cancer, and strokes, to having cases of an asthma attack, stunted development in children, cognitive impairment, and premature fetal growth.

Looming Water Scarcity

Water is the elixir of life with no replacements or comparisons; it is a life-sustaining resource which had formed the backbone for several civilizations in the past and present. Unfortunately, freshwater sources have been diminishing at a glaring rate, owing to soaring world population and large scale environmental damage. Though the world is heading to a high standard of living, scarcity of water has continued to negate the growth of nations. India which is home to 18 percent of the world population has 4 percent of the world’s fresh water resource, thanks to its extensive river and underground water system. However lately, with incessant developments and exploitation of water resources, India may be staring at one of the worst water crisis to hit the country!!

What can be done?

We may be facing a severe case of water crises where saving every drop is crucial. To mitigate the scarcity of water, it is equally essential to fight against pollution. Untreated and unhygienic water conditions breed a whole lot of health issues, making it imperative to check for pollution in your daily water resources. You can employ water testing facilities to test your groundwater and check for any chemical contaminants or toxins that may impede your health. Incepbio, undertake comprehensive testing to check if your drinking water or water from any source, such as well, STP or bore well is free of toxic components and other adulterants.

With air pollution continuing to increase in alarming rates, in respect to both indoors and outdoors, there is a need for serious quality control measures to battle the morbidity and mortality that follows it. Right from the government to individuals, every person has a role to play in controlling air quality.

Changing the nature of the fuel, making a switch to green energy and renewable resources, control on vehicular emissions, adopting electric vehicles in the transportation sector, regulation of household energy and public health control measures are the need of the hour.

For controlling indoor air pollution, start with assessing the state of your indoor air and then adopting methods to reduce the concentration of the said contaminants. From switching to natural cleaning agents along with ceasing use of aerosol and room sprays, proper maintenance routine followed by timely dusting and removing mold, there are a lot of steps you can do to ensure indoor air cleanliness.

At Incepbio, we test your indoor air for a variety of pollutants and allergens using highly efficient methods assured to give precise results. With your air tested, you can incorporate easy measure to assure clean indoor Air.

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